Intent of This Document

To give an overview of the various tools, automation in General DevSecOps practice and at the same time to understand how Pixelvide has adopted the DevSecOps practice and with some example tools.

While adopting the distributed architecture and a resilient tech stack, the overall IT environment has become little complex as the greater number of applications based on microservices that span everything from containers to serverless computing frameworks that are deployed in dev, test and prod environments. Most of those distributed applications are being build and deployed using DevOps practice overcoming the complexity by being able to self reliant at same time having and e2e visibility from the requirement and until the deployment.

The pressure has intensified to bridge the cultural divide that has long existed between traditional IT operations teams and application development teams that have embraced best DevSecOps practices.

At the core of that DevSecOps culture is a desire on the part of DevSecOps teams to automate IT process management. Tasks that once required IT personnel to implement manually now are being automated by developers employing tools and platforms that expose both APIs and command-line interfaces (CLIs). Not every IT task can be fully automated just yet, but with the adoption of DevSecOps practice a great leap forward is clearly being made.

Nitin Goyal, Principle DevOps & Cloud Engineering, Pixelvide With over 5 years of experience in Software Industries and working across variety of product development, implementation, delivery and service engagements, I was fortunate to acquire knowledge on variety of IT Infrastructure, Operations, transformation from Servers-DCs-Clouds. During this journey, I could witness, participate, drive and enable the cultural change from Traditional SDLC-Agile-DevOps practice where I tried, failed, unlearnt and relearnt the skills and technologies that brought me to Pixelvide. Working on distributed architecture and microsercvices based platform that solved the large scale, mission critical, e-governance applications that has a state level impact for the state government. It involves pioneering and research initiatives in variety of the cloud infrastructures, Modern architecture, DevSecOps practice, Tools and automation, Enabling and Guiding the teams to the Tools, Infrastructure, technical, operational challenges of Cloud & DevSecOps implementation.

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